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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/2019 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Kenya-Somalia border row: We will not surrender any territory to Somalia Kenya has declared it will not surrender any part of its territory in the ongoing dispute with Somalia over maritime boundary.Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Monica Juma has re-affirmed her position on the maritime dispute with Somalia saying the country’s action on the disputed areas are in bad faith.“We will not cede any inch of Kenyan territory to any government,” said Foreign Affairs Cabibet Secretary Amb Monica Juma.Juma said Kenya is still waiting for a detailed response from the country on the key issues raised indicating that Kenya is trying its best to be ‘restrained’ and not overreact.“Countries have gone to way for far much less than this,” said Ms Juma.The CS in a late evening address noted that there could be sanctions against Somalia depending on the kind of response the country gives concerning the disputed boundary.Part of the explanation, she said, should include an apology to Kenya. “We will not cede any inch of Kenyan territory to any government,” the CS asserted.The dispute between Kenya and Somalia lies with four maritime blocks rich in oil and gas deposits. These blocks: 230, 231, 232 and 233 are what Somalia plans to auction by the end of the year to the highest bidder for exploration to start in 2020.This is despite at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) which was filed by Somalia five years ago over the maritime zones.
  2. 1 point
    Koonfurians sold these blocks to kenya. Now they are throwing tantrums Kenya is a powerful nation it has soldiers inside Italian Somalia. There is no way the cheese admin can win this.
  3. 1 point
    Do not be too excited our Bantu neighbor dance. There is nothing to gain applauding their cheap talk. They have always relied on others and you want to rely on them.
  4. 1 point
    Been hawaasnimadee ku jireen ka soo baraarugeen. Beri qaarkood haddee rabaan inay xajka aadaan baasaboorkooda iyo fiisaha meesha ee u doonanaayaan waala ogahay - waana dalkooda saas cuqdad ugu qabaan. Beri qaarkood markee tahriibaan dalkee sheegan doonaan, isku dhiibaayaan inay ka soo jeedaana waala ogyahay. Beri markee dalalka shisheeye isku dhiibaan qaxootinimo Soomaaliyeed, soo caddeeya Soomaalinimadiina oo waraaqo sharci keena markii la dhaho safaaradahee sharciga u doonan doonaan wey ogyihiin, anagana waa ognahay. Beri markee deeq waxbarasho helaan, dalkee ku helaayaan waala ogyahay, kuna sii joogi doonaan dalkaas shisheeye muwaadanimo Soomaaliyeed wey wada ogyihiin. Beri...
  5. 1 point
    Dalmar, always, always ka hor mari horumarka Soomaaliya. Soomaaliya oo horumarto waa gobolkaaga oo horumaro, regardless whichever region one hails from. Soomaaliya oo horumarto waa tuuladaada, magaaladaada oo horumarto, regardless which degmo and city one hails from. Regardless whoever leads the government currently. That leader is not Soomaaliya. That leader will surely be gone tomorrow, but Soomaaliya is here to stay and her interest must always be paramount. Taas ogoow had iyo jeer. About ina C/rashiid Cali Sharmaarke, I know him. I had met him personally in Nayroobi years ago. He gave me his phone number without being asked to call him, which I never did to this day. He is as corrupt if not more as ina C/shakuur Warsame. Ina C/rashiid magaca aabahiisa ayuu ku ciyaaray, who was a dear and close friend to my father.
  6. 1 point
    I think I saw pictures and videos of him signing deals in the UAE not long ago but I could be mistaken. Those horrible images of Muuse Handaraab signing away Berbera were probably nightmares my Koonfurian friends and I were seeing in our dreams. We even passed a motion in parliament banning DP World but probably that was also in just another nightmare since the damn company is still in Berbera.
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