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  1. 2 points
    You forgot another important policy!! 6: You become the best friend of every adversary they have in the international community
  2. 1 point
    Have seen this docu on Amison, 80% staff they training are not Somalis but future Amisom staff. They training themselves.
  3. 1 point
    Xilldhibaan ku baaqay in Haysom laga mamnuuco degaanada Somaliland
  4. 1 point
    And since when did Somaliland claim a U.N. bureaucrats zuid afrikane from Johannesburg who rules the koonfurians had any diplomatic U.N. relations that are official with the Somaliland republic. UNDP and UN offices are in Somaliland. Laakin he knows the limits. Just like Stevenson we deported from hargeysa Somaliland in the 1990s just like walladcabdalle just like mahiga and gaalki keithen English fellow who ruled the amisom project in the Bantu bunker. Somaliland is a sovereign State by land sea air territory. The actual existence is way important than a weak fragile non existent govt. That is ruled by Ugandans burundians and xabashis. Alla nimanku hanyara gaal south Afrikaan ayaa iisalamay.
  5. 1 point
    This AMISOM thing is another project that has been over-milked. Unless Eritrea wants to come as AMISOM, then UAE, Eritrea, Ethiopia will want to get rid of Amisom.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    And now gollaha maamul goboleed ku sheega afhayeenkooda is gone too. This means gollaha qarka u saaranyahay inuu burburo. Soon Xaaf will perhaps announce he too is no longer a member. __________________ Afhayeenki golaha madax goboleedyada oo iscasilay Afhayeenkii Golaha Iskaashiga Maamul Goboleedyada Cabdullaahi Shiikh Xasan ayaa goor dhaweyd ku dhawaaqay inuu iska casilay xilkiisa Afhayeenimo. Cabdullaahi Shiikh Xasan ayaa is casilaadiisa ku sababeeyey inay tahay maadaama uu is casilay Madaxweynihii Koonfur Galbeed Shariif Xasan Shiikh Aadan, oo uu maamulkiisa ka mid ahaa. Waxa uu ahaa wasiirka dastuurka Koonfur galbeed Wuxuu tilmaamay inuusan afhayeen sii ahaan karin maadaama uu meesha ka baxay madaxweynihii uu markii hore meesha ku yimid. Hadalka Cabdullaahi Sheekh Xasan ayaa loo macneyn karaa in Koonfur Galbeed aysan iminka xubin kasii ahayn golaha Iskaashiga Dowlad Goboleedyada, taasi oo dhabar jab wey ku ah golaha. Shariif Xasan ayaa xubin ka ahaa golaha Iskaashiga Dowlad Gobolleedyada, oo ah isbaheysi khilaaf xoggan uu kala dhaxeeyo dowladda dhexe ee Muqdisho, waana madaxweynihii labaad ee golahaas uu lumiyo kadib markii madaxweynaha HirShabelle uu heshiis la gaaray dowladda. Madaxweynaha cusub ee Koonfur Galbeed ayaa la filaaa inuu noqdo qof ku xiran dowladda dhexe ee Muqdisho. Xigasho
  8. 1 point
    Awshariif uultimo waa isdhiibay. Laakiin ninkaan siyaasadda been been sahlan uguma baxaayo so he must have something under his sleeve.
  9. 1 point
    What was this so-called xildhibaan expecting from the Qaramada Midoobay's own special representative to Soomaaliya's get-to-know tour of Soomaaliya's maamul goboleed? Nicholas Haysom started his tour in Kismaayo, then Baydhabo, Garoowe, Hargeysa and concluded in Gaalkacyo. He earlier met guddoomiyaha Banaadir Yariisoow iyo Waare from Hirshabeelle in Xamar, after meeting when he first landed in Muqdisho madaxweynaha dalka, guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka, ra'iisul wasaaraha iyo guddoomiyaha aqalka sare. At least Muuse Muqayil, the true local man, is lucky that he finally met a delegate after months of non-stop jaad session marqaamid of nothing to do. He dusted off his suit, which gathered dust for so long.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    From the what is happening on the ground, AMISON is here to stay for at least another 10 years. Somalis through corruption are not ready, old ladies, retires, nepotism selected in police force, and public sector, while the educated young have no jobs.
  12. 1 point
    If Somaliland's track record is any guidance, i.e. the work that needs to get done before a 1-person 1-vote can happen, then it will be after 2025 that South Somalia will be in such a position. 2021 will be a dejavu of 2016, the most corrupted selection process ever. The only voting system where candidates can secure a position if they have enough cash. Another sad reality, AMISom will not leave 2021. My predictions are, by end of 2019, things will get really really bad as candidates and clans prepare for the 2021 selection process. This time the stakes are very high. Qatar will leave no stone unturned to keep Cheeseman and Co in power, while the Saudi/UAE block will funnel the same to theirs. While the so called SNA will keep on selling its weapons to the clan melitia and Alshbab. That means, 2021 withdrawal timetable will not be achieveable.
  13. 1 point
    This shariif guy have to be removed whatever cost by force or vote. Waa kansar u baahan in umada laga dgex saaro.
  14. 1 point
    haha. you are funny niyoow. you must be trying to pull a fast one on us niyoow because that is not even a question that anyone with right mind can ask. who is biixi going to visit dhumay valley which is part of garowe district? haha.
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