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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Qolo walba oo aanu dan ka leenahay calankooda kor ayaanu u qaadaynaa
  2. 2 points
    ^^^^^^^ Xulafaysi ma maqashay horta? Dabkii baxayaa dab lagu qabsadaa Dee!
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    yes, Imagine being like America, being in almost 18 trillion in debt.
  5. 1 point
    What importance does Sidama have to Somalia? I have never heard about that region
  6. 1 point
    Building an embassy is a big deal. Embassies represent their home country and have certain legally defined responsibilities and powers. They are part of the government of the country they represent, hence as to why so many Somalis would defend Turkey. Turkey shouldn't be allowed to have that kind of influence Somalia and Somalis. As I said, we were only a charity case for them nothing less and nothing more. Yes, having people build for you are good, if their intentions are reasonable. I don't think we should've supported the qataraist, they never supported us nor are they important. Somalia should be as selfish as every country, we should only do things that work in our interest. We shouldn't get involved in these bullshit dramas that has no value to us. We should only think about the economy and how we can further build it. At the moment, Somalia is a low ranking country. But when we get back to our glory days we shall only join partnerships as long as we serve the upper hand. Otherwise, there is a chance of another backstabbing.
  7. 1 point
    What makes me mad is that we let them build an embassy on our lands. Biggest mistake. In my opinion, Somalia shouldn't trust any country or have them as our allies. As proven from time to time, each time we "trust" or "help" a country we essentially always get backstabbed. The only people who care about Somalia are the natives and they are the only ones who will have its best interest. (except some)
  8. 1 point
    Bad idea! they are very uncomfortable to walk on and to ride a bike on
  9. 1 point
    We should have sand roads sense Somalia is mostly desert.
  10. 1 point
    Top 100 most influential and powerful black Britons
  11. 1 point
    I thought you guys were Sunni Muslim nation who did not deal in interest!!! So you follow some shariah rules and disregard other bits which do not suit your desires? Why not legalise prostitution and abortion too? And as this money is borrowed in the name of all Somalia citizens and will have to be paid back WITH INTEREST by all Somalia citizens, is the whole lot going to be spent in Mogadishu or will it be divided using the famous 4.5 formula?
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