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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Precisely it's a contract for our people to our people that the struggle we started in 1961 mujahid xassan kayd walanwal 1961 to the other mujahid maxammad ali 1979 afaraad. It's a continuation of a struggle we can even go as as far 1884 to 1888 berbera when the mad mullah came to Somaliland and went to sultan diiriye with his saalixya order and said I saw Englishmen in berbera and sultan diiriye replayed so what there were Greeks there before and Turks. I am also honered that president Muuse biixi abdi called for that the people of Somaliland should honer our important days such as 27 may 6 April 17 oktober 31 may 26 june 18 may. These are all important days to the history of our nation. And it makes me happy that we have a leader that reflects our very own struggle we started in 1979 SNM and ended with Somalilands independence or re independence of our lost statehood sovereignty when we forged a union with the koonfurans. Long live the holy republic of Somaliland and may Allah rest the soul of our fallen soldiers.
  2. 1 point
    Suldaanka, Islaantaasi ma aha xaaskii Ali Khaliif. Abtigay xaaskiisu waa islaan sharaf leh.
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