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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/2018 in Posts

  1. 3 points
  2. 3 points
    Badda la aasayo waa tan ugu sahlan, waxa ka qiimo badan boqolkiiba boqol waa technology, aqoonta, iyo "isku-xidhka" ama "shabakadda/network" ay DPWorld aduunka ku leeday. Shixnadda ka timaada China ee u socota Qaaradda Africa, waxa lagu soo rarayaa markabka kuwa aduunka ugu wayn, waxay inta Africa u socota ku dejinayaan waa Berbera. Halkaa ayaa ama baabuur ama maraakiibta yar yar uga daldalayaan dalalka jaarka. Taa ayaa aad u muhiim u ah Berbera. Mida kale DP World waxay ka samaysatay Ethiopia xarun loogu yeedho "Dry dock" ama dekedda qalalan. Waana halka alaabta u socota Badhatamaha Africa iyo Ethiopia looga daabuli doono marsada Berbera Somaliya meeshay ka taliso sharcigeeda ha la tiigsato. Somaliland aduunku waa ogyahay, adna waa ka dheregsantay in Somalia waxba isugu jirin. Hadii Dastuur Federal ah samaystaan iyo hadii jarka iska xooraan, ayaga ayay u taal. Mogadishu cashar ku filan waa la siiyay. Laakin hadii wali hunguri kaga jiro Berbera, ardulaahi waasacan.
  3. 2 points
    DP World chairman says they are not going to make any more investments into Djibouti. But rather are seeking aggressively compensation both in terms of broken contract as wel as other damages. Surely, DP World wants to make Djibouti broke financially. With regards, to Berbera, DP World wants to turn Berbera into a regional trading hub.
  4. 2 points
    Wali/ilaa goortan la joogo, Caduur dhawdhawduba uma dhaadhacsana!
  5. 1 point
    DAGAAL qaboow baa ku socda RAGGA. It is time SOMALI fathers and mothers stop bad mouthing their SOMALI boys.
  6. 1 point
    There is no such thing as a president of Somalia. This man hides inside an Ugandan tank. The president of Somalia is the white south African fellow and his deputy is yuweri museveni.
  7. 1 point
    Cadnaanku wa umulo doox in the minds of the demolition crew there is no such things birmageeydo. Aboow buufka ka buufiha war kadaa waslaanweyne. Magaranayo ileen waxani assalkoodu wazulu Somali maha xita. They only know how to drag dead and steal furtniture.
  8. 1 point
    Mr Oodweyne you had said it all and this fellow by the name of Misskin macruuf ibn majnuun. He is a miskiin gudhu of the branch called sankadhuudhi how we refer them the koonfurians who have been nothing but a failure since we deposed their general afweyne aka Mr afbakhare. Ilma yaa allah waxsiiyey madhegeysano. And for that particular reason he is angry his begger culture of diinsoor is no longer in service. And Somaliland we shall never respect the sort of culture which inrouten beggaray and dishonour way of life.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    How did we miss this huge news.. https://liberlandpress.com/2017/09/press-release-free-republic-liberland-successfully-begun-mutual-recognition-process-republic-somaliland/
  12. 1 point
    "waxkasta galbeed baa loo wadaa, gobolkan waa lanacay wuuna go'ayaa wuuna iska tegayaa hadaan wax laga qaban" Guulwadayaasha Somailand here are not listening. Somalidu waxay dhedaa "Nin kuu digay kuma dilin"
  13. 1 point
    Saalax, I see Sanaag needs Saalax, C/salaan Jentelmaan, Coldoon, Caynaanshe, Mustafe Martin, Caarre, right?
  14. 1 point
    Norway to provide NOK 450 million for development in Somalia During the World Bank’s annual meeting in Bali, Minister of International Development Nikolai Astrup signed an agreement committing Norway to contribute NOK 450 million ($54.3 million) to Somalia through the World Bank’s Multi Partner Fund for Somalia for the next three-year period. The Multi Partner Fund seeks, among other things, to support the Government of Somalia's efforts to increased tax revenues, better financial management and improved basic services for the people of Somalia. ‘Even though the security situation has improved, Somalia is still vulnerable. The relationship between the federal government and the federal member states remains challenging. The international community must do what it can to promote stability and trust. Improving the security situation and ensuring the provision of basic services to the population are important elements of this work,’ Mr Astrup said. In the period 2015-2017, Norway contributed NOK 212 million to the Multi Partner Fund for Somalia. The Fund has delivered significant results. ‘The Fund has contributed to increased stability and development in Somalia, and we are very pleased to see what has been achieved so far. We also greatly value our collaboration with the World Bank, which has enabled a creative and flexible approach despite a challenging situation,’ Mr Astrup said. Xigasho
  15. 1 point
    Old_Observer it seems you have no idea the reality of how things work in politics. This is like the straw that broke the camels back. With so much oppression inside Saudi Arabia by the crown price no one wanted to confront him until he went too far. Now he is very likely to lose power for this brazen act of savagery.
  16. 1 point
    Galbeedi if you saw couple of Turkish construction companies In Mogadishu you would jump up and down Somali nimo is back. Stop being anti Somaliland Somaliland today has full support from abu dhabi and the Saudis and we gave the Ethiopians a small cut. We got the military base running the border with Somalia yoocade 5 miles banu ujirna. 2018 2017 was a good year for us
  17. 1 point
    I don’t see what the fuss is in here. Af Maxaatiri and Af Maay are both languages of Somalia. The only differences is that Af Maxaatiri is a diluted language which is mingled with extraneous foreign languages. Every Af Maxaatiri speaker who carefully studies the etymology of the words they use in their language will quickly see how much of what he speaks is borrowed from other languages. But this does not make it a bad language or Af Maay necessarily a good language, because even Af Maay has elements other of languages such as Afaan Oromo. So this shouldn’t be shocking. Somalia location makes it a melting pot of languages, cultures and traditions. For instance, it is widely known that many Somalis trace their ancestry to the Arabian peninsula, so why would anyone begrudge them the fact that their Somali has many Arabic words infused in it... and so on and so forth. So this silly debate needs to stop.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    Oo yaa eryaya eeh baas anagu ma jabuuti banu nahay mise port staff banu dhirbaaxna.
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