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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/2018 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Another achievement by dowladda. First it was the relocation of the UN's political office from Nayroobi to Muqdisho. Then hay'adii maamulka hawada. Then this. There were other smaller hay'ado that relocated in the past year and so as well, including FAO's headquarters in Nayroobi to Muqdisho. So now canshuurta ayee dhiibayaan and can hire hundreds of Soomaalis, instead non-Soomaalis in Nayroobi.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    Although inexcusable, what happened in Boosaaso is quite rare and also didn't involve a Koonfurian citizen but a foreigner especially one from a hostile group but Mogadishu time and again proved to be a rotten shithole with no humanity, spiritual values, moral standards, any semblance of justice or equality, tolerance, or anything else that symbolises human civilisation and progress. The clans who live in that place believe they are above the law and it seems that they are!!
  4. 1 point
    Print new durable currency and invalidate existing one to squeeze fraudsters and fake printers. Mr. Baileh has done it again. Great work by the nation's patriot.
  5. 1 point
    This is great news for Somalia. Bayle was consistent and goal driven despite all the attacks from the anarchy and mafia groups. A huge spread of corruption and insecurity goes hand in hand. In another hand, the World Bank and IMF are desperate to keep their dominance in world financing after the rise of Chinese money.
  6. 1 point
    Cheeseman waa fashil. Ha moodin dalalka shisheeye danaha ay leeyihiin ee ay ayagu fududaysteen oo hirgalshadeen in Cheeseman gacan ku leeyahay. Waxa hore loo yidhi "beggars can't be choosers" ama maskiinka dawarsada ma kala doorto waxa la siin doono oo macneheedu yahay waa ku faraxsan wixii sacabka loogu rido ba. Cheeseman hadii Asmara looga yeedho iyo hadii Addis Abeba looga yeedho ama Qatar, wax u odhan karo maya ma ba jirto. Waa ku gawracanyay waxa loo so bandhigo inu aqbalo. Kaadi badane waa loo gogol badiya, beesha caalamku ma aha kowo lacagta iska tuurtuuraya, waa dad ku shaqeeya "outcomes". Cheeseman jidwalkii loo dhigay iyo wixii laga filaayay inu hir galiyo tubteedi ma hayo. Aniga iga qor mid, kolka la gaadho Jun 2019, wax badan ayaa debadda u so baxaya. Waa 8 bilood ka dib.
  7. 1 point
    For Cheeseman the value of holding on to his US Passport is greater than the value of representing his country at the global stage.
  8. 1 point
    Farmaajo ma fishilin mudanayaal iyo mareooyin. Wuxuu soomaalida tusay nadaamka ay dawladnimada ku doonayaan noocuu yahay. 1- Hadday federaal doonayaan wuu tusay wuxuu ka yahay soomaaliya ama siduu u egyahay. 2- Hadday carab gacan u hoorsan jireen wuxuu tusay in laga maarmi karo oo qabka soomaalidu yahay wax soo jireena. 3- Hadday nabad galyo donayaan wuu tusay inay gurigooda ka bilaabaan 4- Hadday snm jamhuuriyad u haysteen wuu tusay inay gal mudug la mid yihiin. 5- Hadday xoolo musuq maasuq ku cuni jireen waa tusay in la xisaabtan jiro Ninka intaas 18 bilood ku qabtay shaqo sahlan ma qaban Haddaad lu iska gooyso muxuu farmaajo aambalaas iigusoo diri waayay fashil ma'ahan caqliga soomaaliduna noocaas yuu u shaqeeyaa.
  9. 1 point
    Che man Dan man made a mistake the day mrs hawweeya gave the Arab man from xadramaout aka jabarti a daughter Maaalintaasay Jakarta Mad mullah Hebel mire Afweyne afbakhaare Xabdilahid habaarqabbe mudug yey
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