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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Does SOL gave a free license to this hapless Xaaji to narrate about his habro here? Sheekh this and that .
  2. 1 point
    Saaxiib, I have been adamantly against this so-called dowlad iskutag (that is federalism's definition for you) ever since I registered here on SOL in 2001. Soomaaliya doesn't need federalism nor is it suitable for one. Soomaaliya is not Kanada or Iswiserlaan. I also came from a family who were strongly against federalism. My father was against this in 1940s in gobollada Jubbada Sare (Alta Jubba). He became a member of SYL, rising to its top chairman in 1950s in Jubbada Sare, whereas his own family members, his own cousins (my adeeriyaal) were founding members of HDM, who were vehemently for federalism, based on two federated Maay and Maxaatiri regions. HDM was led by the charismatic Ustaad Cismaan Xuseen, who was assassinated in 1953. Then C/qaadir Soobe became its leader. Yes, he is that man named after Isgoyska Soobe, where that masiibo qaran occurred a year ago. Having said that, we cannot go back to the heydays of mööryaanism, either. We must give whoever is given a mandate to finish his or her mandate without constant squabbling, without 'mooshin this' and 'mooshin that' threat. Soomaaliya salka ma dhigan, aasaaskana ma adko marka isqabqabsi badan dhib luu keenaa.
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