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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2018 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Bisha Oktober ee 3 asbuuc ka hadheen, Ciidanka Qaranka Somaliland caruurtii ugu dhalatay Laascaanood waxay noqon doonaan 11 sano jir. Masha allah, waa gaashaan qaad... Duriyadda 10 jir ayu ku doob dilaacsadaan oo geela foof geeyaa.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    niyoow I agree with everything you said. Farmaajo is overplaying his hand. he is misusing somali good will from social media after his election and thinks that his paid trolls in the internet translates into actual love for him and the SFG. little did he know that people we desperate for some kind of government that works and from what this looks like niyoow, it is worse than qoslaye atleast qoslaye was never in a constant fight with dowlad goboleedyada. marka shekadan waa qaraxday niyoow. the cat is out of the bag. Farmaajo has failed completely niyoow. wixii hore quba.
  4. 1 point
    Two can play qash qashaad. Filinkaanna horey aan u aragnay. Meesha xildhibaanno ma joogaan, maafiya aanan wax aqrin iyo qori karin ayaa joogo and they only know mooshin ku sheeg, bought by the highest bidder. Xaaf isla kuwaan ayuu shalay laaluushay markee sheegteen inay xilka ka qaadeen guddoomiyahooda because furitaankii baarlamaanka dowlaxda dhexe uu ka qeyb galay. Filinkaan horey loo arkay bilooyin ka hor, jug jug meeshaada joog waaye. Marka guddoomiyahooda wuu soo noqonaa, Xaafna wuu sii joogaa, xildhibaanno ku sheegaana jiifkooda iskaga noqon doonaan aftery get their doolar. Waa sheeko ciyaaleed.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    that is interesting niyoow. what your interpretation of the quote. give us examples Alpha.
  7. 1 point
    LOOL Cheeseman had the audacity to claim that he was the mastermind that brokered peace between Djibouti and Eritrea. akakak It reminds me of Abwaan Ibrahim Gadhleh from Oodweine, he wrote a poem showing the sad reality when Yamyam (apparently from Cheeseman's clan) claimed similar stature. Ibrahim Gadhleh said.. Abwaankii Dalkoo idil, Debadda uga baxee Africana u doodoow, deelaydu waa shaxe, sowdigan cidloda degay! Hore u soco, dib u soco, Dib u soco, hore u soco Halkii taagnow weeyan, Aleyle maxaa daal la kororsaday.
  8. 1 point
    What ties existed before they were cut? All so called "goboloda" conducted their own foregin relations, accepted money from foregin nations. The only thing that the head of these federal tuulo-clan states did was arrange a photoshop with the president in order to give the illusion of a "maamul goboleed". Clan loyalty is truly a sickness. It has made people so blind that they have even refused to demad their rights from their so called head of states. When did we actualy see the civil population in Baydhabo Janaay, Kismaayu, Boosaaso, Guriceel demand basic human needs as clean water and education. Accountability ma jiro. Qof walbo wuxuu sitaa taarka "LAGAMA TASHAN". Yaab! Adding salt to an infected wound is what the mafiiyoosos FGS in Mogadishu has done. Farmaajo is behaving as if he has power while his own security is protected by Amison. Yaab!
  9. 1 point
    That was the budget but due to the drought and spending on elections, it came short. This year, the increase is inline with the 2017 projections for the budget.
  10. 1 point
    You people ask too many questions, trust what wasiirka is saying.
  11. 1 point
    And you say Somali is in your DNA.
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