Nothing foreign about this. The real blame for this lies squarely at the feet of one person - Caydiid Senior and his ragtag, poorly trained mööryaan militia. They had zero plans and vision for the country.
I remember in mid 1991 us boys going to all those military bases located on Jidka Warshadaha iyo jidka Dayniile aado after it was looted. There were still some old unexploded weapons left behind, some were gantaalo ay ku jiraan kuwa la isku duqeeyo ee lidka ah. We ciyaal xaafad would go there to get some little baaruud aan ka soo baxsano from these weapons. Ciyaal ayaa iska ahayn for Eebbe knows if one exploded what would have happened.
Why am I bringing up this? Because instead of securing these bases, the looted factories and other places owned by the goverment, Awcaydiid had zero plans other than to overthrow the government and then do the xasuuq and ugaarsi maatidii Xamar deganeyd for qabiil reasons. They thought wrongly those institutions and the deposed regime itself were the same. This same anti-institution mentality is at display in Muqdisho now, led by haraadigii ka haray Caydiid - Mahad Salaad, C/raxmaan C/shakuur, Fiqi and co.