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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I always wondered what sort of "dhacdhac" corrupt money the god-fearing Minister of Religion would get from his department. Now we know there is a lucrative deal called "Hajj" and the president threw the first punch to knock out opponent. Every wasaarad has a cash cow. Someone was telling me there is a wasaarad that deals with scholarships and that "business" brings in lots of cash. I was reading the other day there is one that only deals with business licenses and certain clans prefer it over more prestigious ones, as it is known to be another cash cow. Meesha waa la kala xirtay, saxiibayaal.
  2. 1 point
    Most of the money goes to unscrupulous middlemen who milk the poor pilgrims. I personally don’t blame them for overcharging these pilgrims, because the demand is high and there’s not enough competition between the agents supplying the service. If prices are to fall, more competition is the answer!
  3. 1 point
    There are known knowns, known unknowns, unknown unknowns... this is known unknown unknowns.
  4. 1 point
    Waar Alle ka cabsada oo nagadaaya baladan aad ka hadlaysaan hadh iyo habeen. Kii dagaal jeceli Tukaraq ha aado oo askartaa dagaalamaysa ha la safto. Laakiin meeshan buuq iyo faataadhug yaan naloola iman.
  5. 1 point
    Two long time CIA agents meet in Asmara as head of states. Both nations agree to develope Eritrean ports. Tigray elites who were against peace with Eritrea finally come on board. Ethiopia is sending strong message to the competing tiny Somali clan enclaves with access to sea you better accept Ethiopia terms or else you will pay the price. With this agreement and the demilitarizion of the border with Eritrea Ethiopia will have resources and military muscle available to deal with local issues and continue their aggression on neighboring countries specially Somalia. Ethiopian opposition groups are making peace with their new Oromo leader and it will be hard for the Egyptian dictator to interfere or distabilize resurgent Abassynia .
  6. 1 point
    There are no economic problems in Somaliland as far as I know but there is a dangerous political and security crisis brewing which can threaten the very foundations of the country. On top of that the majority of the public lost faith not only in their government but in the whole political system of the country due to rampant corruption, nepotism, open tribalism, and the lack of anything resembling a government. Indeed the longer Somaliland's political system remains broken and unfit for purpose and society remains divided, the more koonfuria becomes attractive to the average man and woman. I think we should to be honest about all the issues facing us. There is no need to cover up our failings.
  7. 1 point
    a leader should not speak like this, And also not lie, GFC had nothing to do with Iraq/Afghanistan war. As he claimed, Dagaalkii qarniga baa laga sugi.
  8. 1 point
    Ninkaan Caynaanshe not only Samatar bahlaha ka jafay, but dhulka uu ku jiiday. Caynaanshe looma gali karo, is he Saalax adeerkiisa?
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