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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/2018 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Yes, we inherited all institutions and Somali military. Mogadishu still owes us more. More than 200 thousand homes and businesses destroyed, close to 50k people dead, another 100k wounded, some still get injured by landmines planted in every corner and village. Sometimes, it is better to start from zero on a clean sheet... returning to Bosaso with already intact lifestyle and buildings, is much better than returning to a ghost city with destroyed and mined streets till your eyes can see. Just the hopelessness of the situation and the enormity of the task would put many to just sit and cry, instead of rolling up their sleeves and getting to work which Somalilanders done.
  2. 2 points
    The game continues. An African dictator in Uganda who fears his army to topple him has found ways to keep them making money in Somalia. It is the best contract an African could make in his life time . $2500 dollars including logistics. If Somalis were offered a quarter of that they will take over Nairobi in a day. Raadkii shalay miyaan dib uGu soo laabtay.
  3. 2 points
  4. 1 point
    Cabdi Ileey just met the newly selected Xabashi leader. So my question is who will be the first hoggaamiye maamuleed from Soomaaliya to fly to Adisababa and make a proper siyaaro? Will it be Shariif, Muuse, Gaas or Madoobe? I will give a month or so to any one of them to make the first siyaaro in order to get the latest daba dhilif update from newly released Xabashi version (err, leadership) so they can sucessfully run the program without glitches.
  5. 1 point
    So beautiful!! The Somali territories although dry most of the year transform into fantasy lands when it rains.
  6. 1 point
    Ducaale Wadada waad ka yara dhacsantahay adeer Kuligeen mad-habeedeena iyo qibladeenu waa mid waxaan ka hadlaya waa junuudda ilaahay ku difaaco mowtidiisa Buug buu is yiri sayidkii ku cay bayjkii ugu horeeyay yuu hooyooyinkiis ku caayay wayna adag tahay in la fahmo waxaa ka dhaxeeya labadaa mowduuc ama isu keenay. iminka waxaa lagu khasbanyahay in buugoo dhan la tuuro waayo hooyo caydeed lama akhrin karo waana amar alle. Intaa kaliya faham dagaal diimeed hanagu furine.
  7. 1 point
    He really believes that nonsense. LOL Isma yeelyeelayo. It pretty much explains why we can't seem to come to any respectable terms with our neighbours. Our definitions for the same thing are totally different. For them up is down and down is up. wareer.com
  8. 1 point
    ^ Has Old Observer gone M.I.A? It seems the Tigray ai is out of a job.
  9. 1 point
    hear hear. Please keep that talk among tolka not on here.
  10. 1 point
    Yeah I agree it is ok if he visits. It means he is willing to take risk unlike other world leaders and is giving respect. but if we have to go to addis and sit in the famous sofa, then it is another same old game.
  11. 1 point
    If he has to come to us instead of us going their is ok. Khayre , be careful. Do not visit him first. Let them come first. Waa digniin.
  12. 1 point
    Ceebay Tacaal. Qurbaha ayaa dad iga jiraa ha iga hadho. They probably never sat down and discussed who must get what or which bis is first or what not. . It is small potato that could have been resolved without the media. Yet, by judging this article the Puntland activists not only look ugly but also seem to be ruthless warlords who want to fight the Somali civil war of 1990. What would they trying to gain to bring down the Somali national capital. Don't they realize that the bombing and the maiming of Somali people in Mogadishu is a tragedy that has affected Somalis every where including the diaspora, and ending that violence is the greatest hope of everyone?. Ninyahow, the Puntland public are among the finest Somalis I have ever met, but their politicians are among the worst. Other that C/laahi Yusuf (AHN), they could not produce any great statesman that can take the political torch.
  13. 1 point
    Gaas is 45% chance out of 100%. Muuse is 68% chance out of 100%. Madoobe 15% chance out of 100%. Shariif is 28% chance out of 100%.
  14. 1 point
    Iyagoo Garoowe u doodaaye, Garoowe amaanaayo ku filnaan lahayd intee Xamar iyo dadka degan ka been abuurayaan. See u hadeen waa qaabdarro iyo nuskeeda.
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