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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/2018 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Iyagoo Garoowe u doodaaye, Garoowe amaanaayo ku filnaan lahayd intee Xamar iyo dadka degan ka been abuurayaan. See u hadeen waa qaabdarro iyo nuskeeda.
  2. 2 points
    Oo goomay democratic noqdeen oo free elections qabteen Haddii meesha been lagu camirayo waa ina reer Muqdisho dhahaan magaaladayadu waa hoyga fast foodka, fizzy drinkska, baseballka, redneckska, Mexican nacaybka, iyo wixii kasta oy beesha maraykan raali ka yihiindee
  3. 1 point
    Cabdi Ileey just met the newly selected Xabashi leader. So my question is who will be the first hoggaamiye maamuleed from Soomaaliya to fly to Adisababa and make a proper siyaaro? Will it be Shariif, Muuse, Gaas or Madoobe? I will give a month or so to any one of them to make the first siyaaro in order to get the latest daba dhilif update from newly released Xabashi version (err, leadership) so they can sucessfully run the program without glitches.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    Not at all shocking. You have to understand the dynamic on the ground, to see why things are the way they are. For example, AMISom are in it for the money. The day the donor countries stop funding AMISom, will be the day the wheels will come off this whole thing. Each AMISom soldier is costing the Europeans/American at least $2500 USD a month when includes all the amenities including salary. The Ugandas who have the largest contingent for example are raking in close to 20million dollars a month from this business venture. For the SNA, again, it is all about self interest. The lady mentioned that, a business has to fork out close to 5,000 dollars on SNA manned routes. While the same business only forks out 1500 dollars to Alshabab controlled routes.
  6. 1 point
    The real story of this man is clouded by so many factors so it is in everyone's best interest to forget about him and leave his judgement to Allah. By saying things that are probably untrue about a dead Muslim, one risks sinning. So it is better to just forget about this man. Wallaahu yaclam.
  7. 1 point
    Way ku khaldanyihiin aragtidayda inay snm buug ay qortay uga dacwadaan isla ayagii. Kuwa isaga dhigaya inay la tacaadufsan yihiina oo garab fadhiya waa kuwo ka caraysan hablihii uu buugga ku caayay, wax taarikhana uma ogola sayidkii siday u dhanyihiin (ilaa min raxima-laah) Qoraagu nin doqona ma'ahan aragtidayda waxaa laga yaaba inuu baaritaan sameeyay intuusan buugga qprin, kana waayay shaqo fiican oo awoowayashiis soo qabteen aan ka ahayn inay ka xoogsan jireen cadaankii dhulka haystay ama u khidmayn jireen. Sidaa daraadeed wuxuu go'aansaday inuu isla madoobeeyo taariikhdii fiicnayd iyo tii kalaba. Waxaan kula talin lahaa qoyskaan sharafta badan inaysan hawlahooda u dayicin buug snm qortay wax qiimaana u yeelin.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Yaab iyo Amakaag cinwaanka ku bedelo. Arinkani wax kale ma aha’ ee waa ‘Soomaaliyeey Tooseydiinii’ oo heersaysan oo dhigaysan
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