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  1. 3 points
    Oohintani caqlilaawoow ma aha mid fulaynimo ee waa mid ah qiiro na xasuusinaysa dadkayagii ay xasuuqday qawlaysatadii haligantay! Hada waanu ka guulaysanay oo xididadaanu u siibnay xaaraan-quutayaashii iyagoo jihaadkaan bilawnay ka dhigay wax Utaanga ku dhalanaya generation kii labaad, wax suuli Afrika ku yaal ku dhintay iyo qaar aanu hurdo u diidnay wakhtigan xaadirka ah inay magaalo madax-maamul goboloodkoodda si nabad ah u seexdaan. Aniguba qiiro ay xusuusi ku ladhan tahay ayaan ooyey oo curadkii aabahay oo isaga oo la dagaalamaya Faqash ahaanna 25 jir u dhintay dalkiisa iyo dalkiisa gaar ahaan anigga oo walaashii ah inaan ku noolaado xoriyadda laydha macaan een maanta Burco ku dhex mushaaxayo . Khudbadda Madaxweynuhu waxay na kulansiisay dhamaan familiga ku nool daafaha aduunka oo aanu ku xusnay mujaahidiintii ehelka dhow ahayd iyo kuwii reer Somaliland. Mar hadaanu Faqasheey idin fashilinay oo Somalidii kalana tusnay waxaad tihiin, maxaan idiinka tagnay waydinkaa Kenyati dalkiinii dhinac goosanayee!
  2. 1 point
    No not desperate, but preparing the ground for next step. Months of facebook, twitter, american media attcks is the ground work for what they want to do ultimately. If he folds by facebook and twitter fine, otherwise they go to next step.
  3. 1 point
    wow. the UAE is getting desperate niyoow.
  4. 1 point
    niyoow farmajo is not best orator but that is his appeal which is why people see him honest and real and not rehearsed or fake. walahi he is a very dangerous competitor to watch if you are presidential candidate in next election.
  5. 1 point
    I understand the message you want to convey but this erroneous statement of yours is more typical of the superstitious lot who have no faith in Allah. The dead do not follow what is going on in the world they left behind.
  6. 1 point
    Barwaaqo, The foul mouthed Timodheer, waa looma ooyaan. Little does s/he understand that there are in fact a people who remember their war heros, there are people who feel the pain and injustice done to thousands of their fella family members. But since they are looma ooyaan, these are foreign ideas to them. But it shows the difference, that we value our dead, we remember them and we promise them that they died for a cause and their cause is still alive and well. Our war dead today are smiling in their graves, knowing that those they left behind are on track to assume that cause. Just imagine if there was a telephone call to Aakhiro, a call to Afwayne and to the SNM Heros. The SNM heros would be over-joyous upon hearing that their comrade Muse Bixi is the President of Somaliland today. While the ignoble Afwayne would be shocked that Mogadishu is today an occupied territory of Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda etc...
  7. 1 point
    Ina Faqash , oohini adigay kuu sugnaatay, aniga Halkanna ‘laba-diamond-layaal ‘ baa igu metalla uu abaanduule u yahay ninka qalinka dahabka ah ku xaragoodda ee ku gaadhsiiyey inaad cay iyo habaar miciinsato ileen af iyo adin toonna waxba isagama Celin kartid‘e, dhulkayganna calanka tawxidka leh baan subax walba ku salaamaa. Halkan markay maqan yihiin baan dhaawacay ka tageen aan dhinaca kale u laadaa kkk ileen halyeeyo ayaan ogahay inay ii suuro galiyeen arintaase ,umaba imaado inaan kula doodo ee taana ogow. Heesta aad soo dhigtay adigay ku sharaxaysaa siyaasiyan; waxba gacanta kuuguma jiraan ee ooy bay ku leedahay! Kula yaabi maayo oo Af-somaligii af- Kuukuuyo ayaa kaa badhxay; ‘Waxaan ku badnay, Waxaan ku baray baa ka sii daran’
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