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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/2018 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    At least our friend Suldaanka is preparing himself with regional games. You need to seek a job at the foreign desk. You could do well. We will see how far these gulf rich boys would go. By the way, In Djibouti they signed a deal with Mr. C/raxman Boreh and Cumar Ghelle, yet they ended up been thrown outside. They will probably think twice before they throw another $400 million. Also, in Djibouti, they built the port with Mr. Boreh and made him president of Djibouti port Authority and the Free Trade Zone. In Berbera, they took over the port without building anything as of yet. THis is a very strange arrangement. Mr. Suldaanka, the military has to wait first before the ports and the roads they suppose to build. Yet, if the issue is geopolitics and gaining spot in the region , I understand. OOdweyne, why are you always unhinged. Why you always try to run to the hills and fill the pages with unnecessary drivel. Everyone can see the man has almost cried. more than three times . Didn't they teach you in English class to think critically and stay with topic.
  2. 1 point
    Is this a sort of message to Farmaajo?. UAE is messed up with the Somali nation and they do not have a problem with him alone. He tried hard to please them unfortunately, it was not enough. Nomads are not obeying people, you cannot simply teach them a lesson the Arabs may learn the hard the way.
  3. 1 point
    Tallaabo, it is hard to dismiss the impact and the devastation colonialism had on the psyche of the tribes that existed in the country before the Europeans. I disagree with the notion that the Europeans "united" or "civilized" as some like to say, our people. We wouldn't be sitting here today arguing about borders close to Garowe if it wasn't for colonialism. Colonialism is the very reason Mr. Bihi is in Tukaraq strongly arguing the area belongs to "his country". It is the reason the people in the North felt they didn't get "their share" of the political pie in the 60s since they were already "a different country" before the union. Of course the Somalis had the misfortune of being subjected to one of the worst dictatorship Africa has ever seen, and with good leadership the fate of our people could have been a whole lot different, but at the end of the day, it is not easy to dismiss the hurt, the loss and the strong sense of barrier between the North and South as a result that legacy and subsequent events.
  4. 1 point
    If you have an account in UAE, move your money and business somewhere else. These people do not have mercy and follow any rules. They can simply freeze your account and take your properties. They can even put you in jail and torture.
  5. 1 point
    Ma jiiftay bilooyinkii la soo dhaafay? Like they didn't try this trick with the treasonous likes of C/raxmaan C/shakuur, Cumar C/rashiid et al. It backfired and empowered the government. Cumar C/rashiid cannot even land in Xamar, scared his ass off.
  6. 1 point
    Somali gov should warn Somali business community in Dubai to find somewhere else before they decide to do anything we all know what these Arab did to their brothers Qatar's.
  7. 1 point
    ^ When were they ever sheathed against our people?
  8. 1 point
    The colonialist that invaded our lands and separated our peoples into colonial fiefdoms was the real disaster.
  9. 1 point
    This picture is eerie. It looks like taken by voyeur.
  10. 1 point
    Caption: Kids Playing soccer near Borama, Somaliland.
  11. 1 point
    Oh My, Nothing serious had happened so far, yet this man is so emotional. He almost cried. He just talks like those in the street. He said, " 800 oo sano waxii la dhistay ayuu Afweyne dumiyey". Is this speech is written by OOdweyne. How can a leader talk and call Farmaajo ' Adeerkaa Af Weyne". Waxaad Moodaa in uu Furin dagaal joogo. Yaa is gaadhay. If I were his adviser, I will keep this street enforcer away from the microphone.
  12. 1 point
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