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  1. 2 points
    Another example is Aden port was handling 4million shipping containers per year before DP take over and after a year it went down less than 1 million. And that is before the war started in Yemen.
  2. 1 point
    In the dictionary, an imposter is described as " a person who practices deception under an assumed character, identity, or name". Everything about this man is either a lie, half true or total opposite of what he claims. If you check the international media, the headline is ' Abiy Ahmed, the first Muslim prime minister of Ethiopia", second everyone will tell you that he is from the largest Ethiopian ethnic group of Oromo. Well every thing that these headlines proclaim are false. Here are the facts about Mr. Ahmed: 1-He is not a Muslim. Since this fellow's name is Ahmed ,which is the second name of our Prophet Muhammad SCW, everyone assumes that he must be a Muslim. His father is Muslim but was raised by his mother as protestant which has penetrated most of the western Oromia region which was mostly animist. 2- He is not even a traditional Ethiopian orthodox Christian. Pentecostal protestantism is a foreign religion in Ethiopia just as the Wahabi sect is foreign to Somalis. 3-He is not full blooded Oromo.His mother who raised him is originally an Ahmara who is raised in Gima, a city founded by the Ahmara.Some even say his mother is Tigray because he speaks Tigrai language as his mother tongue. 4- He is married to a Tigray woman which facilitated his rise in the army. His own biography is revised and changed in order to make him hero among Tigray front and the public. he is proclaimed among those who fought the Derg of Mengistu. The fact is he was 13 or 14 years old when the war against the Derg was raging in 1989/90, yet by the taking page from Somali alphabet movements where everyone claims to be a " MUjaahid" by fighting for his tribe, the Tigray are adding Mr. Ahmed among the list of their ranks . By the time he was in late twenties he was already lieutenant colonel in the Ethiopian army. No one rises that high without being the chosen son of the Tigray front. 5-He is more Tigray than the Oromo he claims. The Oromo are a mix of 40 million people from different regions of Ethiopia who do not share nothing other than Afan Oromo. Also, many regions were the Oromo speakers became majority has absorbed large minorities who hail from different ethnic groups. As stands today, everyone is claiming Oromo. Even Tigray members who live in these regions join their ranks of Oromo by infiltrating the Oromo political parties. One example is Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu, the foreign minister of Ethiopia. He changed his last name in 2016, and claimed to be Oromo. Now, everyone agrees that he is a Tigray imposter claiming Oromo. So, he is not a Muslim, Orthodox Christian or even Oromo. Personally , I care less which religion the prime minister belongs. What counts is if the new man is a reformist who is his own man. In these pages some of our eloquent writers had stated this fact while debating with the Tigray troll resident who who tells the enclave dwellers that everyone from Djibouti to Hargeisa and Jijiga must love the Tigray. "The religion of Oromo PM the Tigray bring forward is a non-issue. The real issue at hand is for the Oromo to bring forth a leader of their own choosing, not the Tigray establishment. I realize-- after their multitudinous attempts to turn everyone against the Oromo community along ethnic lines have fallen short-- that they're getting desperate, but who gives a damn whether their next stooge is Pentecostal, Orthodox, Muslim or Animist?" Exactly. THis importer must call an election as soon as possible and vacate the position to someone elected by the people. Political analysts and the real opposition are interested about the who the prime minister should be , but what the next prime minister will able to do. They believe that a prime minister controlled by the Tigray front men will not be able to achieve anything. They say, "What will the next prime minister be able to do? It makes no difference if this time the prime minister is Oromo so long as Tigray Front member DebreTsion is deputy prime minister and in charge of telecom, finance/economy, security; Tigray Front member Abay Tsehaye is in charge of state affairs; Tigray Front member without portfolio Sebhat Nega is in charge of directing and chairing Tigray Front; Tigray Front Arkebe is in charge of Investments and foreign trade development; Tigray Front Bereket is in charge of banking; Tigray Front Berhane and Workneh are in charge of Foreign Affairs (the latter planted in Oromo party as Oromo having changed his legal name in 2016) and all key positions at Foreign Affairs is in the hands of Tigray Front members; Tigray Front members are in all key positions in the military and security intelligence. The question we need to be asking is, Will the next prime minister be able to form his cabinet irrespective of ethnic quotas simply on qualifications" This impostor was groomed by the Tigray front for a long time. He was in charge of Ethiopian security agency coordinating with the Americans on the collection of data and other intelligence gathering operations. This agency was established after the invasion of somalia in 2006/07. By claiming to helping America on the war on terror this agency made hundred of millions to the Ethiopian political establishment. Anyway, this Abiy Ahmed guy will fit well within the bible belt of the southern united states where the republican party has it's biggest base. Folks, for the first time , Ethiopia have jocker who could claim for whatever faith or ethnicity he wishes, yet the most important question is ;Is he a reformer or a Tigray front stooges designed to buy some time for the soon departing Woyaane. As we speak the Oromo might reject this imposter. Time will tell.
  3. 1 point
    "That period is over mate. Get with the freaking program. We are in "Dog-eat-dog-world of fierce Geopolitical competition" in the Horn-Of-Africa, with no rules of any kind whatsover, and with no mercy, and none is likely to be offered in any case." Nothing is secret this world today and those games you mention were always around. There were opportunistic people who welcomed foreigners to benefit and always ended the losers. Kurds and Somalis are the example of that. Your old friend British colonial gave Ethiopia part of north Somalia you called "Somaliland" to Ethiopia in 1954 and betryed the "old dogs" who signed the clan treaty and sided the war of indepedence. With fear and anger, the "old dogs" ran to moqdisho. There are not only dogs in this world, there are a lot of good people around, always will be. Dogs who eat other dogs will remain dogs. In another hand, noble people will always win. keep your wet dreams, there are nowhere to run.
  4. 1 point
    Started digging UN archives... Well, I am sure you will find lots of information mostly nonsense. The weak government in Villa AMISom will get its hands burnt if they try to challenge this at any level be it at ICT, Arab League or even African Union. In fact, it will only hasten the official recognition of Somaliland. At which time, every effort will be as useless as Serbia's Kosovo tantrums. Serbia, a powerful country, was eventually forced to accept reality. The bottom line is that, Mogadishu can only save the Union two ways. 1. By force - i.e. Sri Lanka Style operation against Tamil Tigers (IA very remote chance with next to zero success) 2. By negotiated settlement with Hargeisa either to break up or form some kind of unity (the preferred option by the Powers that Be). This option may include a Referendum on the question of Independence, like Sudan or Ethiopia when Eritrea broke away.
  5. 1 point
    Let us be brutal honest. Waraabe is an empty buffoon who serves no purpose other to stoke tribal bigotry. More often than not, Waraabe's tirades distract from the real issue at hand, and that in the end reflects badly on Somaliland's leadership. There is a reason why other leaders from Somaliland don't speak like him; They have control over what comes out of their mouth. Waraabe doesn't.
  6. 1 point
    AIPAC is a long way it takes 50-70 years to do. Universities, medical fields, technology fields, law and lawyers.media...very long way for Bedewin. No chance for something like that. Here its pay as needed service. Use the empire and also use small empires. AIPAC is takeover the whole shindig/empire.
  7. 1 point
    Well, well. Here we have the Tigre stooge trying to manage the affairs of the Somali enclaves. He even want to bring a firm to serve every thing Ethiopia. Oo, let me tell you something, the Somali ports do not revolve around Ethiopia. Somali main ports of Mogadishu, Kismayo and Berbera were busy in the eighties shipping millions of livestock, banana and fruits around the globe without Ethiopia. Somalia could easily export 10 million head of live cattle, sheep and camel, and it could process meat and export to China and middle east. In KIsmaayo, Somalia could easily ship fruits like banana, Mango and even grains, while Berbera and Boosaaso could ship millions of live livestock. Furthermore, these ports including Boosaaso could be developed by Somali businessmen who have the money to invest. All they need is a government and public that understands and supports these investments. Heck, even Dahabshill , who is worth $700 million dollars can develop Berbera if the local tribes agree his investment instead of DP world. Ethiopia is not Tigray, Amhara or Addis region only. Millions people in the Oromo zone and the Somali Kilil do not have access for significant trade. 5 million Somalis in zone are occupied and denied movements to grow and do business with the neighboring Somalis including Somaliland. Somaliland does not need to pay any body for market access. What we are talking is a Tigre monopoly of business and trade in Ethiopia. No one can set up shipping lines or basic trade routes without them. It is not the government which does the trading and the business transactions, it is the people freely choosing which ever port that is closer or best managed. If freedom comes to Ethiopia, millions will come to Berbera for trade and shipping companies. In 2011, when I went to Djibouti , my guide who was a high government official who took me to Dooraale Oil terminal and the container port which was built as a state of art . After, we went to the outside of the city , and I saw hundreds of transit tracks from Ethiopia waiting 10 km from the port to load. People told me that these shipping companies and 90% of the transiting trucks belonged to the wife of Meles Zenawi and high officials from the Djibouti government. THis is not just Ethiopian goods transiting through Djibouti , but Wayaane business and shipping monopoly that is enriching themselves only. It is Wayaane shipping monopoly that is starving everyone else. If they catch one single bag of goods that enters Ethiopia, they literally burn at that stop since it was imported by other than the WAyaane and their allies. Berbera is the closest port to the millions of Somalis in the zone and the Oromo regions adjacent to the Somali kilil. Djibouti is scared of competition for their business and trade with Ethiopia. Somaliland have to increase its trade with Ethiopia as much as possible. Why would someone in Jijiga, Awbare, Godey or Dambal has to go to 1000km to Djibouti while they could get a third of that distance from Berbera. The problem is, in Somaliland, we have a ruling tribe that does not understand the value to increasing the capacity of trade and ports. Berbera could be a huge container port in the region, and you can develop Lughaya, Zaylac, Maydh and others to target Ethiopia and the regions bordering for small trade " Bagaash" trades. Sooner or later ports will compete and people will choose the shortest route and the best service. The problem is tribes do not see beyond their own tribal interest. Both Djibouti and the Jeegaan are even afraid of developing Zaylac. Go figure. As Oodweyne said few weeks ago , the move from Djibouti is just business, yet the Jeegaan have to tell everyone that all is well , despite the move by Gheelle.. The Jeegaan in laws of Djibouti have to make a tough decision. They are either have to serve the interest of their people or keep their personal and business interest with the ruling family. Geelle himself did not hide his business plans. Last year , he said in an interview that " the distance between Berbera and Wajaale is 280 km,and it takes $1.2 million to build in 1 km , no one have $400 million" . He said 'Way riyoonayaan". It is true that the corrupt Jeegaan can not build anything let alone 280 km, but credible institutions and the private sector can easily built that road and more. Around the world people develop ports within 100 km of one another to increase trade and movements of goods for imports and exports, only Somali tribes do feel the threat of development from others. Having said that , DP world is not interested about building ports or developing businesses in Berbera at this stage. This intervention by UAE is just a political intervention and controlling the trade and business routes of the gulf and the red sea. It is also a kick to Farmaajo and Khayre who are scared to death of the gulf boys. Khayre knows that through Damujadiid and and others , UAE can throw him out office in the next session of the parliament. DP World are probably a front company for the CIA or the American government to obstruct the One Belt One Road project by China. THe Chinese are investing $ 1 Trillion for these projects. In East Africa, their entrance points could be Mombasa, Berbera, and Mogadishu. Imagine Pakistan alone is getting $50 billion on ports , roads and trains. The Nominal Chinese GDP has been growing for the last decade (all in USD): 2010: US: $14.96 trillion; China: $5.93 trillion 2015: US: $18.24 trillion; China: $11.12 trillion 2020: US: $23.10 trillion; China: $19.24 trillion 2025: US: $28.57 trillion; China: $30.70 trillion 2030: US: $35.10 trillion; China: $44.23 trillion The US economy will not even reach $30 Trillion in 2025. So, in order to slow down the high speed Chinese train, these American front company called DP world is throwing crumbs to the hungry nomads. Do you thing these rich gulf boys need to scrap few millions from Berbera or Boosaaso?, i do not think so. Personally, I know where my plan is. I know who is cheating me and the somalis. When they ask the fat dictator how could he reconcile the Chinese who had opened their first ever base in Djibouti and the Americans?, he says, ' countries have interests and it is not about us, but the constant growing of the threat Somali pirates pose the world trade, that is what brings everyone here". as you can see, Gheelle is making half billion dollars on the Somali " Budhcad Badeed" saga. During my last travel a friend who traveled with me had met an old friend of ours from the nineties in Canada. He became an agent for Al-Barakaat Company in the late the nineties.in the middle east. He was based in Dubai and used to manage hundreds of millions of dollars. Eventually he became big and e established his own company. He told my friend that most of his transactions were at the height of the pirate bonanza between 1998-2012. He said, you can not believe who involved these highjacking of the ships. He said young Somalis with small and non seaworthy boats were dropped in the middle of the sea by both foreign and Somali business people. He said people from Dubia, New York and United Nations were involved and everyone took his cut. Most of that money was washed in Dubai and Nairobi. He asked him about the Somali politicians and their role on these issues, and he said, " those politicians are small potatoes, they were no bodies", he continued, " you throw them few dollars and they just disappeared, but the big money is made by lawyers, UN officials and Somali businessmen". He said you can not imagine who and who that was involved in the pirate trade. Folks, I have a lot of info about these new Somali banks (Salaama, Dahabshill and others) who had built huge business and political capital that connects both Gheelle, Dubai, Qatar, Mogadishu and Hargeisa. THese are were the money from the gulf is washed. Finally, what is cooking both in Djibouti, MOgadishu, and Hargeisa is nothing but business transaction. Both Farmaajo , Ghelle and everyone else is involved. I told you long ago that, the southern man is all about ' Beeso" Ilaahay waxa uu ku ibtileeyey lacag in uu wax walba ku qiimeeyo. Now, these southern politicians have found their match. Another group who are deeply involved in business and money had taken the helm of Somaliland. The Problem is Biixi is in big trouble and in hard place. Laba daran mid dooro. He is really scared to death. Do not listen the Habro kids who are praising Ghelle for the fear of being overthrown or challenged both financially and politically. On one hand, everyone knows Djibouti has declared war on DP , Borreh and their business plans in Berbera. Cumar Ghelle spent $90 million in lawyer's fees in London and Dubai to extradite and get back the hundred of millions C/raxman Boreh took from Djibouti. He lost the case last year. Now Borreh is coordinating with Dubai and Ghelle will fight back hard.If things got ugly, Ghelle has a lot of tools to depose the Jeegaan both financially and politically. By the way C/raxman Borreh is the only person who is Somali orgin that his name was found in Panama papers. He has French passport with name of Charles Borreh. If Biixi rejects the DP deal , he will face total isolation and sanctions from gulf who have spent millions in Somaliland. Without Dubai, they will not leave Hargeisa. Folks, there is even war and competition among the Jeegaan itself. Sacad Cali Shire, the soft speaking foreign minister, is allied with the Siilaanyo family and would like the conclusion of this deal. On the other hand , the man who financed the campaign of Muuse Biixi , and Djiboutian business and oligarch Mr. Mohamed Aw Said , want to scrap the deal for his friend, in law and business partner Cumar Gheelle. I will leave it there for now. Give me few more days and will come back to the SOL. I was in a hotel in Jeddah few days ago reading about the usual obfuscating OO holding the court while the enclave dwellers cheering.I wanted to reach him and punch him in the face. Just Kidding. Thanks to Tilamook for holding the court and refuting the "bs" from OO while I was away. Anyway, see in few days after the jet lag.
  8. 1 point
    They offer here to let go first week, as long as she wraps her with SL flag, and denounces union, of course she refused as still incarcerated.
  9. 1 point
    Money has really got into the head of these Bedewin and the white man has become poor and corrupt. Everybody can buy war now. You buy a general and ask him to lob few missiles or create some incident and you can buy services of some to make it world issue. You can buy representatives at UN and pass terrorism or call for negotiations. This has been going on in US Ethiopia relations: There is a bill in Congress that dies and rises as warning stick. American ambassador also acting same as the one in Ukraine.
  10. 1 point
    LOL, These guys were not opposed to oppression. They just wanted to be oppressors!
  11. 1 point
    It is more than a joke. It is very bizarre to jail a young lady for making a facebook post. I heard countless stories from family members about oppression under Siyaad Barre. Waa la dagaalamaye, cashar lama kala baran.
  12. 1 point
    The criterion should always be does the said solution address current problems? If unitary government made a situation worst as the case in Ethiopia and Somalia, there is no way to bring government of angels to continue unitary government. Society needs a break and try self distributed power government. Next if the autonomous governments go too far and in different direction, putting at risk the common and also each other, then no matter how good these outonomous governments are , cannot solve the problem of going different direction. Only reducing their power and strengthening the unitary will solve. Look at Great Britain First ther were kingdoms fighting each other for unitary government Then the English won and run unitary government for almost 300 years Now they have come to autonomous governemnt and soon maybe back to kingdoms The history of the Somali people and all peoples is also the same. Past history is the most important factor whether we recognize it or not. Governments use past history, opposition uses past history one cannot escape. Somaliland experiment maybe better since it has better balance between history and modernity, but the results are not to be seen yet until next generation where the old ones that created are gone and people who were born and raised with it are in power.
  13. 1 point
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