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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2018 in all areas

  1. 3 points
  2. 3 points
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. 1 point
    It is really hilarious to see grown up men shed tears and hearts out with emotions - we know it is all for the camera - but for them they actually think they can have some sort of affect or an outcome with this ignominy. The issue here is not about Berbera or Ethiopia or even DP World/UAE. It is simple. Somaliland is taking huge strides in the right direction. What they thought was not possible is now becoming unbelievably close. And that is the political recognition of the reality on the ground - which is the only single thing that has eluded Somaliland for thus. And because "Political" recognition is all interlinked with "Geopolitical and economical Interest" - today Somaliland is at the cusp of that wave. And the De Jure recognition is closest more than ever. In a nutshell, that is what is causing all these heartache. And boy o boy, are Somalilanders enjoying the scene! With regards to the Berbera deal, let me break ice, for all it is worth, it is a commercial deal. And like all commercial deals, they can be nullified ala Djibouti style. When the time is right, of course. And that is my friends where the cookie crumbles.
  6. 1 point
    Kkkkk ilmo mucjiso reer waqooye I like their sarcasms oday 90 Jir sariir saaray ayey yiraahdeen ilmo ayaa Ku dhashay.
  7. 1 point
    Saalax, sxb, why does this sound surprising to you? You have characters like Oodweyne openly admitting in this forum that they are descended from impotent/infertile octogenarians calling themselves Ilmo Mucjiso, when in fact the DNA results now show that they are likely the by-blows of the despised faqash....ha ha ha
  8. 1 point
    kkk walaahi qofba qof ayaa ka adag Saalax garbaasha ayuu kala daalay odaygan duqanimada ku saaqiday waxaan ka baqaa inuu habeenkii kugu soo qarwo ee iska dhaaf.
  9. 1 point
    If the leaders of Somaliland copied the systems of accountability, transparency, and good governance from the first world countries of the west and Asia, today Somaliland would be very different. But Suldaanoow the problem is we not only incapable of finding our own solutions to our problems but we cannot even copy the existing solutions which have worked very well for other countries.
  10. 1 point
    it was always known, Gabiley Clan are long lost Cagdheer*, they are not only match Dna (share Y ,same father, but share characteristics. I did the test too, and posted here the result before ,
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    Count me in, read the deeds for me, just don't tell me that i am not throuh and throuh "ethnic Somali".
  13. 1 point
    Cigaal Sheelaad ayaa laga hayay kol ay so dul martay diir/caterpillar - ayu oohin kala jeestay. Dadki aya la yaabay... Waar Cigaal ma Diir ayaa ka ooyaysaa... wuxu ugu jawaabay "Maya diirta kama ooyin, waxaan ka ooyaya in wado halaq noqoto..."... Imika rag badan waxay ka ooyayaan maha Berbera, waxa laga ooyaya waa the coming reality check.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    It was just yesterday , you were shoving our throats that some Somalis were "Somalilaners" just because of thier clan lineage sham. You own your sham.
  16. 1 point
    Saalax, did you notice the same on your DNA or is this a sample from other people? That is very interesting to say the least.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Dowladda dhexe Soomaaliya madaxda ku jirto uma jawaabaan cawaanta sida duqaas Waraabe la dhaho because waala kala xishood badanyahay, also because waa loo samraa. Also ceeb weyn waaye rag inay meelaha soo istaagaan sidii dhoocilaha camal u hadlaan oo ay moodaan inay xiniinyo leeyihiin. Waxaas camal jawaab ma istaahilaan.
  20. 1 point
    Rubbish. Just because Ethiopia will utilize the port in Berbera, does not give them the right to own a stake in Berbera. The Somali people have been shortchanged in this deal, which is precisely why all the Jeegaanlanders in here who are at the Federal governments throat for refusing to go along with this deal, have remained quiet about the 19% stake which is being illegitimately stolen by Ethiopia. I wonder why that is, Oodweyne and Co?. Why can’t this deal be wholly between only the UAE and Somaliland? In a different thread, Oodweyne naysayed a proposition of mine, which said, “ the secessionist agenda being pushed by Jeegaanlanders is an Ethiopian regime's project”. I asked a question then, “ Somalis, ask yourself, does the breakup of Somalia benefit the average reer sheikh nomad or the regime in Ethiopia?” The active-minded but probably shallow rabid mongrel who goes by the name of Mudane Oodweyne, refuted my suggestion. But now the proof is in the pudding, as it were for everyone to see... today, we have the Ethiopian regime trying to purloin Berbera( a Somali national asset) in broad daylight. And the most Oodweyne and his co-hearts can do is try to change the subject and make it about Xamar and petty Somali tribalism. This is theft by EthiopianTigray regime, period! Need we say more...
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