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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/2017 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    A middle-aged woman in Limuru has discovered a libido booster - camel bones soup! Njambi sources the bones from Eastleigh and at times as far away as Isiolo, where the bones are in abundance. She then boils them on a jiko and adds some herbs like muringa (moringa oleifera) and black seed sourced from Ndeiya in Limuru. “Once the muringa and the seeds are added to the soup, it becomes very potent and revitalises a man’s sexual urge in a matter of days,” Njambi said. She added that she did not know that so many men suffer in silence because of low libido. She says her faithful customers are mostly old men, especially those who suffer from diabetes. People start flocking Njambi’s soup den as early as 9am for the soup which has been nick named maandachu soup. Maandachu is the code name for a craving for sex in the area. “The demand is so high. I have been forced to double the bones supply and get someone to look for the muringaleaves.The number of customers keep on increasing daily,” Njambi explained. One of Njambi’s customers, Peter Ndungu, a goat merchant in Limuru, said he learnt of the soup through a friend a few weeks ago and decided to give it a try . “I am now a champion in bed, thanks to the maandachu soup,” Ndungu said. He has become a loyal customer, as are most of his friends in the goat market.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    Gobolka Maroodijeex:- waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 312,634 1. Hargeysa:- Waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 222,975 2. Gabiley:- Waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 58,087 3. Balli-gubadle:- Waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 14,757 4. Salaxley:- Waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 16,815 Gobolka Saaxil:- Waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 78,842 1. Berbera:- Waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 63,831 2. Sheekh:- Waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 15,011 Gobolka Togdheer:- Waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 178,506 1. Burco:- Waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 144,954 2. Oodwayne:- Waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 23,614 3. Buuhoodle:- Waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 9,933 Gobolka Sool waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 71,096 1. Laascaanood:- Waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 29,558 2. Caynaba:- Waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 31,052 3. Xudun:- waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 5,341 4. Taleex:- waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 5,145 Gobolka Sanaag:- Waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 85,222 1. Ceerigaabo:- Waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 50,432 2. Ceel-afwayn:- Waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 12,203 3. Gar-adag:- Waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 17,962 4. Badhan:- Waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 4,625 Gobolka Awdal:- Waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 147,031 1. Borama:- Waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 90,496 2. Saylac:- Waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 26,547 3. Lughaya:- Waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 15,185 4. Baki:- Waxa iska diiwaangaliyey 14,830
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Some interesting facts: Borama is the third largest city in Somaliland. The entire SSC region has less than 55K registered voters. This is a land mass that is almost 30% of all Somaliland. There are more registered votes in Gabiley than Ceerigaabo. Hargeisa's numbers are not impressive considering it was always considered the second largest Somali city.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Curiously enough, Sheikh Atom is in the list.
  9. 1 point
    I do believe he lives in Qatar under that government's protection. They tried to work out similar deals for Sheikh Hassan Dahir and Sheikh Roobow but it didn't work out. In any case, Atom has no operational or intelligence value. He is not scholarly either. It makes no sense. Atom was just gun runner not ideologue or strategist.
  10. 1 point
    Mooge, she went to Eastleigh to get the bones so the credit still goes to the Somalis.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    Mooge what this woman accidently stumbled upon is called bone broth aka maraq in Somali. Bone broth is not only made from the bones of the camel but can be made from any animal bones for example beef, chicken, fish etc. It has many positive health benefits of which the most important is healing and repairing the gut. It's the high collagen content from the bones that gives a positive effect on the libido. Moringa is a superfood and black seed we all know. Each one of them is powerful on it's own and has many benefits and when all combined they become very potent and powerful.
  13. 1 point
  14. 0 points
    Mostly those from exclusively Harti region are phantom. Shows how they oppose to this clan project
  15. 0 points
    Yaasin Axmed Gabaxadi a prominent guy from the west Burco community.
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