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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/2017 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    This is just another level of political maturity. It shows that this country is on the right path. Regardless how bitter the contest is, regardless of whether someone feels cheated of victory, the overarching obligations to keep the unity, peace and progress of country and its people is what counts. Kudos to both Dr. Cirro & Pres. Elect Biihi.
  2. 2 points
    A middle-aged woman in Limuru has discovered a libido booster - camel bones soup! Njambi sources the bones from Eastleigh and at times as far away as Isiolo, where the bones are in abundance. She then boils them on a jiko and adds some herbs like muringa (moringa oleifera) and black seed sourced from Ndeiya in Limuru. “Once the muringa and the seeds are added to the soup, it becomes very potent and revitalises a man’s sexual urge in a matter of days,” Njambi said. She added that she did not know that so many men suffer in silence because of low libido. She says her faithful customers are mostly old men, especially those who suffer from diabetes. People start flocking Njambi’s soup den as early as 9am for the soup which has been nick named maandachu soup. Maandachu is the code name for a craving for sex in the area. “The demand is so high. I have been forced to double the bones supply and get someone to look for the muringaleaves.The number of customers keep on increasing daily,” Njambi explained. One of Njambi’s customers, Peter Ndungu, a goat merchant in Limuru, said he learnt of the soup through a friend a few weeks ago and decided to give it a try . “I am now a champion in bed, thanks to the maandachu soup,” Ndungu said. He has become a loyal customer, as are most of his friends in the goat market.
  3. 2 points
    Mooge what this woman accidently stumbled upon is called bone broth aka maraq in Somali. Bone broth is not only made from the bones of the camel but can be made from any animal bones for example beef, chicken, fish etc. It has many positive health benefits of which the most important is healing and repairing the gut. It's the high collagen content from the bones that gives a positive effect on the libido. Moringa is a superfood and black seed we all know. Each one of them is powerful on it's own and has many benefits and when all combined they become very potent and powerful.
  4. 2 points
    She's definitely wilding out now that she is in university and has more freedom. It's probably a phase most people have done some silly and stupid things in their younger years.
  5. 2 points
    ^ She looks quite young!! It seems mudane Faroole is trying to inject some youthful vitality into his life by treading a well-trodden trail .i,e by marrying the proverbial "shan iyo toban jir". I need to contact Mama Malyuun aka MMS and ask her to condemn this time honoured tradition of the "old Somali man".
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
    Nice restaurant, but zero for originality, any SOMALI name would have been better! where is creativity gone? why copy the AMerican shopping mall?
  8. 2 points
    Last time I read, Oodweyne was going to Somaliland for an election monitoring exercise or a "democracy watch" if you will. One would rightfully conclude our esteemed nomad is not happy with all the allegations of fraud under his eyeful watch.
  9. 1 point
    Congratulations to Honorable Judge Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf on winning his re-election to the International Court of Justice. The re-election of Prof. Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf as Judge of the International Court of Justice is a strong affirmation of his exemplary contribution to the Court and dispensation of international justice. We salute you and wish you well in your next term.
  10. 1 point
    Maca is a plant and considered a superfood. It's a adaptogen which balances hormones, increases fertility, increases stamina, increases energy, improves reproductive health in both men and women. It also has vitamins, minerals, amino acids and is good for overall health. There's alot more look it up and read all the benefits for yourself.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    I feel you it's never easy to cut out a specific food especially if it's your favorite. The best thing to do is to gradually decrease the amount of meat you eat weekly that way your body easily adapts to and your transition will be alot smoother. You will be more successful in making a permanent change than if you would go cold turkey and have a relapse after a few days.
  13. 1 point
    Do those fufus really need a libido booster as libidinous as they are already, their middle aged men are the worst and will chase after every skirt in sight.
  14. 1 point
    1. Sicir bararka xadhkaha goostay iyo dhaqaale xumida dalka ku habsatay ee sida ba’an u waxyeelaysay aqlabiyada shacabka 2. Qiimaha dhaca Shillinka Somaliland oo isna saamayn wayn ku leh qodobka hore ee dhaqaale xumida wakhtiga qiimo dhaca lacagta Somaliland heerkii ugu xumaa sanadkan ugu danbaysay. 3. Abaaraha soo noqnoqda iyo qorshe xumida xukuumadda ee ku aadan la tacaalida xaaladaha is badalka cimilada aduunku keeno. 4. Caafimaadka oo xaqiiqo ahaan wali hoseeya,iyada oo shacabka reer Somaliland maanta inta wax haysata oo kali ah ay heli karaan adeeg caafimaad oo fiican balse aqlabiyada shacabka danyarta ah ee daruufuhu ku gadaaman yihiin anay haysan adeeg caafimaad oo ku filan. 5. Shaqo la’aanta baahsan ee xooga dalka (Dhalinyarada) curyaamisay ee keentay in kumanaan kun oo dhalinyaro ah sanad walba dalka ka tahriibaan iskuna tuuraan badda mahlakadaha ah,taas oo galaafatay nafaha dhalinyaro badan oo Qaranka Somaliland kasoo jeeda. 6. Biyo la’aanta guud ahaanba dalka gaar ahaana magaalooyinka waa wayn sida caasimada Hargeysa oo aanay dadka ku nooli biyo helin walin aanu guulaysan mashruucii Biyo balaadhinta caasimadu. 7. kala qaybsanaanta bulshada Somaliland ee uu kaga tagay tartankii riiqda dheeraa ee dhex marayay saddexda xisbi Qaran ee Somaliland iyo qabyaalada soo kala dhex gashay Bulshada ee saamaynta ku yeelatay wada noolaanshihii bulshada iyo is dhex galkii dhalinyarada Somaliland. 8. Inuu wax ka qabto qaabka mashaariicsaysan ee dadka qaar uga hodmeen hantida iyo mashaariicda Qaranka ,kaas oo xukuumadda madaxwayne Siilaanyo ku caano maashay mudadii ay xilka haysay ,iyada oo hanaanka mashaariicda dawlada loo bixiyo mugdi badan iyo musuq-maasuq baahsani ku gadaanaan jiray si gaar ahna loogu naas nuujin jiray dad gaar ah oo siyaalo kala duwan ugu xidhnan jiray madaxtooyada iyo masuuliyiinta kale ee Qaranka Somaliland. 9. Boobka hantida Qaranka min baloodh banaan oo dawladu leedahay guryaha dawlada ilaa mashaariicda ugu wayn ee Qaranka oo lagu soo celiyo sifo dawladnimo xaliibnaan iyo banaan yaalnimo ah (Transparancy). 10. Xidhiidhka caalamiga ah ee Somaliland ay la lahayd Beesha Caalamka iyo gaar ahaan xidhiidhkii diblomaasiyadeed oo sanadihii u danbeeyey si wayn u laciifay oo u baahan dardar galin iyo soo celinta ugu yaraan saaxibadii hore iyo saaxibo badan oo lasoo xero galiyo una ololeeya kana hawl gala aqoonsi raadiska Somaliland ee beesha Caalamka. 11. Adeega xarumaha dawlada u fidiyaan shacabka oo wali aad u hoseeya iyo sidii loo dardar galin lahaa laamaha dawladu sidii ay u hawl gali lahaayeen,iyada oo la wada og yahay in intii xilka Somaliland ay haysay xukuumadda Madaxwayne Siilaanyo ay meel hoose maraysay. 12. Kaabayaasha dhaqaale ee dalka oo liita,iyo dhismayaasha wadooyinka dalka oo burbur iyo dayac xoogan ka muuqdo,walow la dhisay xukuumadda madaxwayne Siilanyo,hadana burburka wadooyinka ayaa sababa khasaaraha shilal badan oo sababa dhimasho iyo dhaawac. 13. Xoojinta amaanka iyo jihaynta dhalinyarada bilaa camalka ah. Qodobadan iyo kuwo kale oo aad u badan ayaa horyaala inuu wax ka qabto madaxwaynaha cusub ee la doortay Md Muuse Biixi Cabdi iyo xukuumadiisa uu soo dhisi doono,waxaana ay bulshadu eegaysaa inuu wax ka qabto balan qaadyadii uu samayn jiray wakhtigii ololaha doorashada madaxtooyada Somaliland. Cabdikhaaliq Diiriye Hargeysa, Somaliland
  15. 1 point
    lugooyo badanaa somalida,, been lama sheegin markii layiri somalia is the worst place for women,
  16. 1 point
    Miskiin, intii isku faci inay Isla qososho way fiicnaan lahayd balse odayadda Somaliyeed ayuu la wadaagaa sheekadan oo yidhaahdda dumaal baan idiinka tegi - haday ka dambayso Waxaan rajaynayaa inay Kufkeed hesho . Dhinaca kale waxa reerkii gabadhiisii dhimatay sheegeen inuu ahaa SEEDI qiimo badan waana laga yaabaa in xigsiisan loo siiyey.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Maakhiri, great point! Mooge was not entirely accurate with his description. I believe the restaurant is called "Camel Cafe". It is part of a business center (meeting rooms, etc) advertised as "Target Center". I would assume, the owner is from Minnesota. Target center is where Minnesota Timberwolves play basketball. Target Corporation, which is an American discount store retailer, purchased the naming rights.
  19. 1 point
    Oodweyne is the new architect of SL foreign policy. He is busy drafting some hard hitting policies that will ultimately benefit the new government’s stand in the world. Give him some time and we will hear from him soon, after the cabinet announcements.
  20. 1 point
    Lol It’s either that, or Oodweyne could be just boycotting the gallery to protest Cirro’s refusal to use in his concession speech one of Mudane Oodweyne’s long-winded scathing rebuke of the fraudulent election, that Biixi just won.
  21. 1 point
    Macruuf sawirka labaad ayuu ku jiraa. Hint: Cirka fiiriya iyo geedka korkiisa.
  22. 1 point
    Wasn't avoiding this sort of meeting the whole reason for selling Qalbi Dhagax to Ethiopia? I am not against Cabdi Wali meeting whoever he wishes, but I think president Farmaajo needs to answer few questions about the Qalbi Dhagax affair.
  23. 1 point
    Talow odaygeenii Oodwayne ma bankcruptcy ayaa ku dhacday oo waxoogaa lacag ah oo Cirro yidhi waan kuu soo celinayaa ayaa ka gubatay.
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    I think he spoke well and he offered an olive branch to everyone. Only time will tell.
  26. 1 point
    The blue pill has made odaynimo obsolete.
  27. 1 point
    Congratulations to Mr. President Elect Muse Biixi Cabdi - 5th President of Republic of Somaliland.
  28. 1 point
    Mashallah I envy his blessed thick afro. That is hair goals
  29. 1 point
    you know what, it is clever of somaliland to milk this before it dries. since farmajo and federal government are busy with nonsense, let Somaliland cook its meal wherever it can. i would do the same thing niyoow.
  30. 1 point
    Dubai's DP World to develop free zone in Somaliland Dubai-based DP World announced on Monday that it will develop a greenfield economic free zone in Somaliland to complement the development of the Port of Berbera.DP World Group chairman and CEO Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem and Republic of Somaliland Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Dr Saad Ali Shire have signed an agreement for the Berbera Free Zone (BFZ).The development is based on DP World’s Jebel Ali Free Zone (Jafza) in Dubai and aims to attract investments, encourage trade, create new jobs and position Berbera as a gateway port for the region, a statement said.Under the terms of the agreement, DP World will develop BFZ in phases, with the first phase focusing on 4 square kilometres of land out of the 12.2 square kilometres earmarked for the project.Future phases will be detailed in a concept plan together with the projected capital investment required from DP World for its development. Each phase of the BFZ will start once the previous phase has achieved 85 percent occupancy, the statement said, adding that it will target a wide range of businesses including warehousing, logistics, traders, manufacturers and other related businesses.Further details of the BFZ will be concluded with Somaliland’s new government after the country’s elections scheduled next week.Bin Sulayem said: “We are excited by Somaliland’s development opportunities which has parallels with the start of our own growth in Dubai and the UAE.“We look forward to finalising the details of the Berbera Free Zone with the next government of Somaliland and look forward to our continued partnership.”The new facility will build on DP World’s existing operations at the Port of Berbera where it has achieved substantial production gains in recent months. In September, the port recorded the highest container volumes in its history with a 40 percent increase compared to September 2016.
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