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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/15/2017 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    The voter card will also be used as citizen's identification card which will be used by all sorts of services like passport service, driver's license, bank account, mobile phone subscribtions etc. Eventually there will be an office in all regional capitals that will be able to provide the card on demand. The system will not accept duplicates stored on the same database.
  2. 2 points
    Somaliland election commission should announce and tell people the preliminary results. They have done a great job, but this chairman and his side kicks must know that it is about time people see the early results from polling stations.This is not 2010 or even 2013, the Iris bio-metric system is efficient and it would be unusual for the early results to change. IN most elections, were vote counting takes place in the actual poling station, the results are already known. Their main task is official recount at the district level and resolutions of the disputed boxes. Because of the bio-metric nature of the system it will difficult to falsify votes or staffing of boxes. THe biggest incidents so far are people of Authority or in this case the Kulmiye government sequestering and stealing opposition boxes. In Hargeisa, the mayor, by the strange name of Solteco, with his uniformed body guards had taken some boxes claiming to be disputed boxes and transferring to the commission. In Gabiley the city rule and governing had collapsed long ago, most of the residents had moved to Borama, Hargeisa and Wajaale. Waddani "Muraaqibiin" are denied to escort the boxes to the district, if this is true this boxes must be either disqualified or investigated. During the last municipal election, Gabiley politicians and criminals took all the ballot boxes to unknown place and divided the city counsel cities among themselves. What they do not tell you is there are large Awdalites in north Gbiley, Ceel Bardaale , Bus, Kalabaydh and Wajaale, yet their votes were looted. The commission guy keeps repeating that the official counts at polling station level could change. This fool must know that unless disputed by anyone, the polling station counts given to the party representatives should not change that much. If a party gets 2300 votes in certain station that result may reverse few votes if those who were counting made mistakes. The commission chairman must not prolong the official announcement to another four days. He must release the early preliminary vote counts done by district level, unless he is cooking something. We need the early results. Waxbaa dhacayo iyo masiibadan aad ku celeclinayso looma baahnee, shaqadaada qabso oo halka ay wax marayaan noo sheeg. Mise wax aad karinaysaa oo jawaan lacag ah ayaa ina Aw saciid kuu balan qaaday?
  3. 2 points
    For good or bad, the NEC's delay tactic is taking the spark out of what has otherwise been a tantalizing drama.
  4. 2 points
    Also, you can not talk to specific media people who could be biased. Your only communication with public is official public address where everyone in the media is present. We know Hargeisa was counted already. What you doing is verifying the polling station results at the district or Hargeisa level. We know how many each party got through the party representative. Changes from the early results should be small.
  5. 2 points
    I met Mo. He is a very humble man who welcomes every Somali. We need more Mos representing our people. He could have been one of the fools below, bringing dishonour to his community. LiAngelo Ball Has Been Arrested in China for Shoplifting and Might Be Facing 3-10 Years in Jail (UPDATE)
  6. 2 points
    I am married for almost five years now, and I never expected him to help out around the house because I was more than happy to take all the responsibilities around the house and take care of our three little ones. I have seen him making the most delicious soups when I get sick without asking him or expect him to do it for me. and whenever I need to go for walks (my favorite and relaxing thing to do) he never said he can't watch the kids while I am gone. of course I know him and his schedules the best and when he is able to stay him. it's all about asking him the right time with kindness. and in terms of working and being a month and wife is the hardest thing to do. I am living it this year. and working outside will not change your role in the house. it's easier said than done, but my advice for you as I adviced it myself 1. work outside as little as you can and as less days as you can ( if it's not possible for any reason my heart goes for you, and may Allah make it easier for you amiin.) 2. don't expect him to do anything for you around the house ( not because he doesn't care, but because it's not in his nature to do house chores) 3. be as happy as you can be because you are taking care of your house and no man can fill your shoes when it comes taking care of your home and family. when you are happy with what you are doing for your family you won't see it as chores around the house. and when you are generally not expecting anything in return and more than happy with your role, life is simpler and easier. and be as kind and as genuine as you can be with your family, because hard work is never gone unnoticed. you will touch those hearts around you, or the least you will get rewards from Allah ( and that's the best award we should always expect.) Expect from Allah and not anyone else in this world.
  7. 1 point
    Congratulations to Honorable Judge Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf on winning his re-election to the International Court of Justice. The re-election of Prof. Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf as Judge of the International Court of Justice is a strong affirmation of his exemplary contribution to the Court and dispensation of international justice. We salute you and wish you well in your next term.
  8. 1 point
    LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM – NOVEMBER 14: Four-time Olympic champion Sir Mo Farah and his wife Tania pose, prior to him receiving his knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace on November 14, 2017 in London, United Kingdom. (Photo by Jonathan Brady – WPA Pool/Getty Images) Sir Mo Farah was all smiles as he received his knighthood from the Queen, describing the precious moment as an “incredible honour”. The four-time Olympic champion, 34, arrived at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday with his wife Tania, as he prepared to be rewarded for his services to athletics. “Over the years you dream of becoming something or doing something in your career, to take it to the highest level and become an Olympic champion – that was always the dream,” the sports star told reporters. “As an eight-year-old coming from Somalia and not speaking a word of English, to be recognised by your country, it is incredible.” Mo, who won 5,000m and 10,000m gold at London 2012 and Rio 2016, has collected six world titles in addition to his four Olympic golds. When asked what it was liked to receive the honour from the Queen, Mo revealed she told him he has been “going too long” and asked him if he has retired. “I said ‘No, I am going to run the London Marathon – I want to go into roads’,” he shared. Last month, Mo confirmed that he was returning to Britain indefinitely after parting ways with his American coach Alberto Salazar. Mo Farah talks meeting the Queen “I can’t wait to be back home and can’t wait to see my team Arsenal at the Emirates,” he shared in a video posted on Twitter. He will now work with Gary Lough, who previously coached – and is married to – women’s marathon runner Paula Radcliffe. In an interview with The Sun, Mo added: “I chose to work with Gary over others because I’ve known him for a very long time – since I was 16 – and we get on well.” Elaborating further, he continued: “Gary successfully coached Paula Radcliffe, Britain’s greatest-ever marathon runner, who I’ve always looked up to since I was a kid, and has an in-depth understanding of what is needed to achieve real results at marathon distance.”
  9. 1 point
    I can boil an egg and that's on a good day
  10. 1 point
    Latest numbers received by parties last night Waddani Kulmiye m/jeex. 90,000. 110,000 Awdal. 61,000. 30,000 Togdheer. 84,000. 51,000 Saaxil. 22,000. 33,000 Sanaag. 43,000. 26,000 sool. 23,000. 25,000. Ucid 14,000 Total 48 .8% 42.5%. 9.7%
  11. 1 point
    It is about time indeed. Mugabe has single-handedly run Great Zimbabwe into the ground.
  12. 1 point
    about time, the OLD fart killed that country, which is one of the richest in the world
  13. 1 point
    I understand the concerns. But from what I am hearing, the political parties have done their own numbers and know their own totals. There are a number of disputed results which is currently being recounted as soon as the boxes arrive in the regional capitals. From what I have heard, Sanaag, Sool, Sahel & Togdheer regions are all closed and done with. It is only Awdal and Hargeisa which have few districts in dispute. If all goes well, the result is said to be announced somewhere in the afternoon today or earlier tomorrow morning. The NEC will hold a press conference again today to clarify things.
  14. 1 point
    First congrats SOMALILANDERS for putting on great show, It was fun. KULMIYE is not going let go that easily, they are as corrupt, greedy, and hungry for more misappropriation of public funds. As SENIOR consultant , and work for alot of ICT project for many governments around the world, The new system they came up IRIS scan, could be the biggest problem, and achilles hills of the election system. The more you adopt more complicated , and DON'T test all scenarios, failures, problems before hand, delays introduced, you are getting into dangerous area. Always go for simple solution, the biggest issue is how come so little registered to vote? and why the turnout is so low? were people spooked by the new system? where SL government sharing intelligent with outside, like EUROPEANS who were funding the election? Let us hope they solve the problem ASAP.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    The Government have arrested five people Mukhtar Mohamud Hassan Gardhub Abdiweli Ahmed Dirie (Abdiqani) head of explosive for Shabab in Mogadishu Hassan Aden Isaq, driver of 2nd car Ali Yusuf Waceys (Duale) would-be suicide bomber for 2nd car Abdullahi Abdi Warsame. We will really never know the true extent. The Government seems to have no plan in dealing AS. They are simply reacting.
  17. 1 point
    Warbixin ay soo saartay kooxda kormeerka QM ee cunaqabateynta hubka Soomaaliya iyo Eritrea ayaa lagu sheegay in mamulka Puntland ay kheyraadka Soomaaliya ku iiibiyeen lacag dhan 700,000 oo dollar. Warbixinta kooxda UN Monitoring Group ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in daba yaaqadii bishii Febraayo ee sanadkan ay dowladda Puntland ruqsad u siisay Markab laga leeyahay dalka Thailand balse sita calanka Jabuuti inuu saddex bil gurto kheyraadka badda Soomaaliya, taa beddelkeeda uu bixiyo lacag dhan 700,000 oo dollar. Tallaabdan ayaa jebisay sharciga kalluumeysiga Soomaaliya (2014) oo diidaya in laga kalluumaysto wax xeebta Soomaaliya u jira 24 meyl badeed, sidoo kalena mamnuucayey maraakiibta waa weyn ee badda xaalufiya. Barnaamijka cunnada iyo beeraha QM ee FAO ayaa sheegay in markabka ay Puntland siisay shatiga uu ka kallumeysanayey meel 6 meyl badeed kaliya u jirta xeebaha Soomaaliya. Bishii March ayaa wasaaradda kalluumeysiga Soomaaliya waxay warqad u dirtay midda Puntland ayada oo diidan shatiga la siiyey markabka MV Chotchainavee, hase yeeshee looma hoggaansamin amarkaas. Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa sidoo kale warqad ay u dirtay dowladda Thailand kaga codsatay inay joojiso kallumeysiga xeebaha Soomaaliya, hase yeeshee ma cadda haddii ay taasi dhacday. Source: caasimadda.net
  18. 1 point
    Save them from what? And what has he actually delivered?
  19. 1 point
    thanks for the support Bluey. I know you are big on healthy stuff so what better way to get clean water for people. step by step.
  20. 0 points
    Warbaahinta WidhWidh Online ayaa sida joogta hada daba gal xoogan ku samaysay doorashada maamulka Somaliland, waxaana la xidhay dhamaan xogaha dhinaca doorashada siiba internet dhinaca social Media sida Facebook iyo waxii la midka ah. Sida aan ka helay warbixinta serverka doorashada maamulka Somaliland iyo tirkoobka ayaa waxaa soo baxay in Madaxweynaha maamulka Somaliland uu noqday Muuse Biixi Cabdi oo isagu hogaaminayay Xisbiga Kulmiye ee hada talada maamulkaas haya. Guud ahaan shacabku waxa uu sugayaa waa warbixinta ay hada WidhWidh Online idin siinayso oo ah in codka doorashada uu hogaaminayo Muuse Biixi Cabdi isaga si cad u helay cod aad u tiro badan oo aan la filayn. Hargaysa: Kul – 125330 Wad – 61039 Ucid – 18707 Togdheer: Kul – 57173 Wad – 57119 Ucid – 1228 Awdal: Kul- 35532 Wad – 38194 Ucid- 491 Saaxil: Kul- 29,235 Waddani- 14789 Ucid-612 Sool: Kul-19890 Wad-14926 Ucid- 349 Sanaag: Kul-19,291 Wad-17,538 Ucid-446 Total 285,930 Kulmiye 206,533 Waddani 21,730 Ucid Guddiga doorashada Somaliland oo goor sii horeysay sheegey in natiijada kama dameysta ah lagu dhawaaqi doono maalinta Khamiista iyadoo inta ka horeysa hubinaya cabashooyinka xisbiyada soo gudbinayaan. Goob joogayaal ka socda wadamada Shisheeye iyo hay’adaha maxali ah ayaa shir jaraa’id ay hargeysa ku qabteen kun sheegey in doorashada maamulka Somaliland guud ahaan si wanaagsan u dhacdey ay nabadi ku jirto iyadoo ay jiraan shilal kooban iyo cabashooyin sheegaya in goobaha qaarkoo dad aan qaan gaar aheyn ka codeeyeen balse aysan jirin sharci jabin baahsan. La soco Warbaahinta WidhWidh Online Xog sida markasta shacabka Soomaliyeed u Soo Gudbinaya widhwidh.com
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