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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/30/2017 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I beg to differ about Muse Biixi. He may have a colourful past, including playing some part in the Habar vs Habar wars, but who else didn't play a role on those clan wars? Probably not a single politician or military person at the time is clean about the Habar/Habar wars. It was essentially a political war convoluted into clan wars. Those wars and those who took part shook hands and let the past go. The only difference between Muse Biixi and others of who also took part in the Habar Habar wars, Muse Biixi is a man with a mission. I think you can listen to Prof. Samatar who summarised him perfectly. He has traits of a leader. I don't have any issues if he were to become a president. In fact, all 3 political parties are capable of leading this nation forward. Coming back to the current battle for the Presidency of Somaliland. I think Somaliland's political system is shaping up to become a small version of the US system. It is been in the making for the past 2 years, the campaigns started back in 2015 and continued all the way to today. The political parties are using every trick in the book to try and win voters away. Even going as far as "Fakenews". What you have today, is just a political Gamemanship. You have the Kulmiyes accusing the Waddani's of being pro "Unity" when in fact that is far from truth. And the Waddani's bringing out Muse Biixi's roles in those clan wars. At the end of the day, this is a tit for tat political game. All will come to a complete end after the elections takes place. And a winner is announced. Having said that, I don't know where this "Hague" thing you have comes from. If there is anyone going to Hague, there is thousand of known criminals who used the power of a "national" goverment to go and carry out a ethnic cleansing. I don't need to name them as they are all over the place. Any inter clan fighting or retaliation which took place under Siyad Barre's regime, then that Dictatorship which pitted those clans against each other and armed certain clans to do the regime's bidding, takes the complete responsibility. Besides, all the interclan fightings and issues where settled during the peace conferences. The communities took the option to let go any previous issues or gruges against one another, and opted to live in peace as neighbors and brothers. Those agreements which were reached first in Sheikh Town, then Burco Town and last in Borama, are the reasons why today's political parties are able to peacefully compete across the nation in peace without fear. And political freedom and freedom of speech is why anyone can say today at the Fagaraha Khariyadda. That is the difference. With regards to clans, unfortunately, this is an aspect of life which is built into the DNA of the Somali person. Until we have something (i.e. political party, state etc) that is strong enough to replace it and provide "identity, security and financial security, & sense of pride and belonging"... then Clans will feature a prominent role in the society. Nevertheless, I am in complete awe & surprised (in many ways smiling at) how far Somaliland has come thus far. No matter how much the politicians sledge at each other whatever including throwing deregatory terms to certain clans, the people seems to have matured and are able to absorb it without any affect. Overall, Somaliland is moving forward, the hurdles you see are a sign of progress. You won't make progress unless you have strugled through difficult choices and went through tough times that will shape the person/nation that you will become tomorrow.
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